Leyland Mark Advancement
Leyland Mark Lodge meet on Thursday March 12th 2015, when Bro Jeffrey Prescott hailing from Tarleton Lodge No.7871 was Advanced by the Worshipful Master Bro. W. D. Poulter who shared the Ceremony with VWBro. R. Bennison PGJO.
An explanation of the Working Tools of the degree was given by Bro.RWG Burns MBE.
On completion of the Ceremony VWBRo. G. Paul Snape the PGM's Special Rep. presented Bro Prescott with a welcome letter from the RW Provincial Grand Master Bro. Peter Connolly, and expressed his pleasure in what had been an excellent ceremony and a very enjoyable evening.
After the work all the Brethren enjoyed a well earned Festive Board.
Article and Photograph Courtesy of Colin Mills